You may retrieve your E-mail using any standard POP3 or IMAP E-mail client software or via our WWW based client ("WebMail") by opening in your browser. You may also use our WebMail system to make changes to your account (including password changes).
Here is additional information you may need when setting up your E-mail client software:
Incoming mail server (POP3 or IMAP4): Outgoing mail server (SMTP): User name: <Same as your E-mail address>
Outgoing Server SMTP Authentication: Required (use same user name and password as incoming mail server)
Our mail server fully supports SSL encryption for secure email using the following standard TCP/IP ports: SMTP/SSL: port 587 (TCP) POP3/SSL: port 995 (TCP) IMAP4/SSL: port 993 (TCP) In addition to SSL encryption, TLS encryption is also supported using the following standard TCP/IP ports: SMTP: port 25, 587 and 2525 (TCP) POP3: port 110 (TCP) IMAP4: port 143 (TCP)
Note: Some local ISPs, hotels and public access Internet connections prohibit you from using third party E-mail servers to send outbound SMTP E-mail. If you have any problems sending E-mail, then change the Outgoing mail server to the one assigned to you by your ISP. Additional information can be found in the following articles:
Trouble logging in? Simply enter your email address OR username in order to reset your password.
For faster and more reliable delivery, add to your trusted senders list in your email software.